
Adding value to local fisheries products

Adding value to local fisheries products

Getting more from less By adding value to fisheries products, fishing businesses can boost their revenue and profitability without necessarily increasing the size of their catch. Report: Closer to the consumer There is a significant market in the Netherlands for fresh seafood products and fish-based pre-prepared dishes. We look at examples of initiatives in Flevoland and North-Holland. Interview: Michel Delebarre Michel Delebarre is President of the Territorial Cohesion Commission (COTER) at the Committee of the Regions. Report: From a partnership to a network The Bassin d'Arcachon - Val de l'Eyre FLAG aims to develop and promote the work of local food producers through the creation of a regional network. Trade winds Four innovative, area-based development projects in fisheries areas. Spotlight: Counting on experience in Latvia 24 fisheries local action groups are drawing on their experience of implementing the Leader programme to ensure the success of Axis 4. Event: 90 FLAGs meet in Gijon The "FLAGs on the move" seminar provided participants with a first opportunity to network and exchange views on topics of common interest. FARNETwork Home >Magazines > Adding value to local fisheries products