
New opportunities for fisheries areas

New opportunities for fisheries areas

The best is yet to come Axis 4 of the EFF represents a radical shift in EU fisheries policy, introducing a new territorial emphasis into what has traditionally been a very sectoral programme. North Jutland: Focusing on added value The fisheries areas of North Jutland, Denmark, are focusing on quality and making better use of local products and services to create more and better jobs. Interview: Cesar Deben, Director of "Policy Development and Coordination" at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Getting started on the ground: messages from Parnu In June 2009, the European Commission organised a seminar in Parnu, Estonia, which brought together the first fisheries local action groups from across Europe. Building capacity in Estonia's fisheries areas Capacity building is a key feature of the Estonian Axis 4 programme, which is based on a two-stage selection process. Viewpoint: Xavier Gizard, Secretary-General of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR) FARNET is here Over the coming years the FARNET Support Unit will work to strengthen the activities of all those people who believe that fisheries areas can develop a new and more sustainable future. FARNETwork Home >Magazines > New opportunities for fisheries areas